This time, on a gradually tighter and more technical track, i tested the +2 and +1 arms, ending up with the +1 arms as the best choice. +2 arms made the steering in corners too nonlinear. As the layout had few seeping fast turns, there was no real benefit of the less aggressive initial steering.
I ran F/R Diffs 20/20 because 20/30 was overkill for a big track like at LMC Leonberg. To add still some mid corner steering, rear axle height went from +2 to +3. The +1 arms, 20/20 LTC diffs and increased axle height (and with that, roll center too) the car felt very easy do drive, balanced yet quick through all types of corners.
Next race in October i will try the vertical ballstud mounts and see how that goes. For now, astro season is coming, surfaces get rougher and more stuff is to be figured out.